Walk in the Park am Gleisdreieck

You go for a walk in the park
‚Cause you don’t need anything
The hand that you sometimes hold
Doesn’t do anything
The face that you see in the door
Isn’t standing there anymore

Beach House „Walk in the Park“

The work ‘Walk in the Park am Gleisdreieck’ consisting of a publication and b/w prints was created for the exhibition „Y“ by artist collective pilote at B-Part Exhibition, Park am Gleisdreieck in Berlin.

During a one-hour walk in the Park am Gleisdreieck on 4 July 2024, equipped with one black and white film, I approached the park and the people in it photographically.

It was a grey day, around 20 degrees, not many people were out and about, some were doing sport. I saw a man boxing and asked him if I could take a photo of him. Nour.
As I continued my walk, I stopped at a fitness area and photographed some trained arms, plants and wounded areas.

Excerpts from the walk are collected in the zine „Walk in the Park am Gleisdreieck“ published by Schnecken Publishing.